As an astrologer, a major factor I consider when planning spellwork is the position of the planets. This month, we are not just under the influence of five retrograde planets, but also that of Mars, the god of war and action. As he spends the next five months in his home sign of Aries, themes and events of conflict and tension will become increasingly apparent in our day-to-day lives.

While this transit can be tense, we can take comfort in the fact that we are spiritual workers. This clarion call can serve as preparation so that we’re able to best smooth rocky situations, working to instill tranquility where needed. Below is a short but handy guide to help you do just that, especially if your spirit requires some relief from the heat.

Some go-to products for inviting peace:

  • Tranquility oil: for imparting a sense of calm to people and situations
  • Van Van oil: to improve a situation or change it for the better
  • Cascarilla/Eggshell powder: useful for personal protection when dealing with other people’s energies
  • Balm of Gilead: smooths relationships; fosters peace and understanding
  • Lavender: to calm and cool someone’s spirit
  • Clove buds: great for burning away animosity and discord

Tranquility Herbal Wash Formula

Use this formula as a weekly wash to keep peace at home and flare-ups to a minimum. This can also be employed as a bath!

On a Friday morning, boil equal parts Lemon Verbena, Lavender, Balm of Gilead and White Rose Petals (if available). Add a few drops of Tranquility oil and pour some of the herb water into a spray bottle.

Mop your home from the back to the front with the mixture, spraying where possible in those hard to mop areas, such as delicate carpets, cabinets and upholstery. Once done, burn some Vervain on charcoal, allowing the smoke to fill your home. 

Once fully suffumigated, open all the windows and doors to allow any tension to waft out. To invite harmony and prosperity into the home, sprinkle a combination of Kosher salt, Balm of Gilead, and Pennyroyal at your front door, sweeping it in and throughout your home. This will help to keep things tranquil as well as protect the positive energy you’ve created in your abode. 

Wishing you a productive and peaceful September!

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