This year’s Hoodoo Heritage Festival was the debut date for three new Lucky Mojo Books. Unfortunately, the mighty Amazon has played a nasty trick this year, claiming it will be 1-2 months before the books are delivered — yet they place an order with Lucky Mojo Publishing EVERY WEEK! Please order these at Amazon and don’t take no for an answer!
The Magic of Hoodoo Container Spells in Boxes, Bags, Bowls, Buckets, and Jars
by Catherine Yronwode and Lara Rivera
This foundational book of conjure methods will introduce you to more than 100 time-tested ways to cast magic spells for protection, love, luck, wealth, health, and revenge within a variety of containers including: Eggs, Bones, Shells, and Fruits; Potted Plants and Hollow Trees; Paper, Cloth, and Leather Packets; Mojo Hands and Troll Bundles; Doll-Babies and Loaded Statuary; Glass Bottles and Jars; Sugar, Cigar, and Match Boxes; Mirror Boxes and Compacts; Loaded Oil Lamps and Candles; Ice Boxes and Freezers; Black Hawk Buckets; Scandinavian Spiritus Boxes; Witch Bottles and Bottle Trees; and Jewish and Arabic Spirit Traps. Essential reading for both novice and experienced rootwork practitioners.
How to Read Your Luck and Fate in the Tea Leaves
by Gregory Lee White and Catherine Yronwode
Tea leaf reading is an age-old form of divination that has followed the tea trade around the globe, touching many cultures. The Stranger in the Cup teaches you the secret lore of tea cup magic, including how to select a cup, choose the best tea for a reading, brew it, and give amazing readings. With a dictionary of more than 800 tea leaf symbols, plus dozens of sample cup interiors that will show you exactly what the leaves reveal, this book will guide you from beginner to expert cup reader in no time. Along the way, you will learn the history of tea; the rare tea cups designed for cartomancy, numerology, and astrology readings; and the woman-led Tea Room Movement that made tea leaf reading the preferred fortune-telling method of the radical Suffragettes.
A Study of the Use of Candles in the Search for the Truth
by Mikhail Strabo, edited by Catherine Yronwode
This ground-breaking work was originally sold via ads in Black-owned newspapers, and it opened up a nation-wide conversation on the increasing importance of conjure work with candles. The author was a participant-observer and documentarian who respectfully verified the sources of his information from workers in the African-American Spiritual Church Movement, to compile a complete manual of home and church altar candle services for use in churches and by home practitioners. This famous hoodoo grimoire contains more than 50 candle and lamp spells for protection, love, wealth, and luck. Now, with 32 additional illustrated pages by editor catherine yronwode, The Guiding Light is back in print, bigger and better than ever.