As many of us aim to get a firm grasp on things, it’s vital to remember the importance of creating spiritual foundations alongside our physical ones. This is where good conjure can assist greatly, especially when working with roots. Roots are thought of as quite powerful plant allies in Hoodoo; after all you couldn’t have rootwork without ’em! Not only do they pack quite a punch, they can help when needing to change things “from the ground up.” Below are seven well-known roots used in Hoodoo that can lend a big hand in manifesting the life you desire.

1. Lovage Root 

When looking for new love, look no further than Lovage. This root can help in not just attracting new partners, but can improve your chances at finding them. This root works well when combined with other ingredients, making it ideal for mojo bags. If the interest of a specific target is what you seek, add their personal concerns to the bag. 

2. Galangal Root (Little John)

An excellent root for legal situations, Galangal (colloquially known as Little John to Chew) finds its fame primarily in the court house. Many old-school tricks with Little John to Chew include chewing and spitting the root on the courtroom floor to influence favor and mercy from the judge. However, it can also be used to break or send away a jinx. This is also done through the act of chewing and spitting out the root. 

3. Sampson Snake Root

A powerful ally associated with male energy, Sampson Snake Root conveys confidence, strength and power. It’s no wonder why this root is often turned to for uncrossing and restoring one’s power. Because of Sampson Snake root’s masculine nature, it is often used in love spells by people of similar energies to attract feminine mates. 

4. Queen Elizabeth Root

Just as opposites attract, we have the counterpart to our previous root — the regal Queen Elizabeth. Described by Miss Cat as being “superior to any other love fetish or amulet,” any practitioner searching for romance should not be without it! Queen Elizabeth works exclusively to draw the love of men. This root is often carried whole as a pocket piece or in a mojo bag to draw masculine lovers. 

5. Lucky Hand Root

Gamblers rejoice! This root is just for you and “does what it says”!  Lucky Hand root is rare and precious, much like a winning hand. Anyone looking to increase their luck should carry one in their wallet and have one on their money altar. A good trick I recommend to keep winning luck coming in involves wrapping a Lucky Hand root up in a five dollar bill with Irish Moss & Cinnamon. Dress it weekly with Hoyt’s cologne and keep it in your wallet. 

6. Solomon’s Seal Root

Considered to be a root of Wisdom, Solomon’s Seal is helpful in matters where clarity and insight is lacking. This root not only serves to illuminate that which is hidden, but can also help to uncross when affected by particularly troublesome jinxes. Solomon’s Seal root is also protective and can be placed around the home to ward off intrusion. 

7. High John the Conqueror

Hands down the most famous root in Hoodoo, High John the Conqueror can assist with just about anything. Many conjurers love High John to open roads, remove blockages, and attract employment and love. With this in mind, a nicely sized High John the Conqueror root can be an invaluable ally when needing to start afresh or to simply keep blessings intact. I recommend dressing one weekly with a condition oil of your choice or my favorite, Special Oil #20. 

Many of these roots can become the base for powerful mojo hands, serve as pocket or altar pieces, or be added to candles and baths. It’s always a good idea to spend time with the root of your choosing before working it, to better understand its spirit. If you want to know more about working with these wonderful roots, pick up a copy of miss cat’s Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic

Wishing you good luck and solid foundations!

Posted in Learn & Study

Let Evan Lionhart inspire you with a personal reading on Hoodoo Psychics! Heartfelt conjure and traditional rootwork are his specialities.

© 2022. Used With Permission.

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