Gratitude, thankfulness, grace — all are part of this time of year, the harvest time. I wish to share a simple and creative spell, the corn dolly.
To craft the corn dolly: • Soak corn husks in water for about 10 minutes, then blot out excess water.
• Stack 4 husk pieces, and tie together one inch down from the top.
• Separate husks into equal portions and fold long ends down, covering twine.
• Tie folded ends together about one inch down from top, creating head.
• Roll up a single husk and tie at ends to use for arms.
• Place arms below the neck knot, and tuck between body husks.
• For a female: tie at waist area leaving a skirt below it.
• For a male: tie at waist, separate husks into two sections, tie at knees and ankles.
• Bless the corn dolly and place a Carnelian tumbled stone with it on your altar (or a central place in your home).
• Declare out loud or on paper what abundant harvest you are grateful for this year.
Keep the corn dolly until next year’s harvest. Release in nature and create a new one.
Blessed be!