Hoodoo Psychics


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Hoodoo Psychic
Queen Cotaliya

Call 1-888-4-HOODOO ext. 6453


Bonjour , I am Queen Cotaliya Milner-Meadows de la Livre a natural Medium-Psychic, Conjurer and Root-healer, best known as The Hoodoo Queen and Queen Cotaliya in short. I am the current sovereign of the Imperial Court Milner-Meadows de la Livre/Pound a royal spiritual lineage and blood line that dates back to US documents of 1789. Recognized as spiritual royalty in the US, West Indies, Africa and Europe by communities, families and other Traditional Spiritual Palaces specifically in Africa.

Born into traditional Hoodoo into a Alabama French Creole lineage, my family as well as I are sought after to assist in providing spiritual services within Hoodoo, Obeah, and Gris Gris as forms of African Ancestral Conjuration. In additional to traditional southeastern US rootwork or African American Herbalism in addition to my families specific knowledge of traditional French and Creek-Indigenous Herbalism or Folk-Medicine. And last for the reason I am here we have also provided our community with Divination through many forms directly and traditionally link to our culture and lineage. These workings for the community are historical in the US so much so that Harper Lee the American Author wrote a book on the Family called the Reverend “ The Voodoo Preacher”

I am also a Haitian Vodou Initiate and child of Beninoit Vodoun Royalty, which is the mother religion to all subjects of Lwa or the Vodoun, Vodou, and Voodoo Ancestral God(s). Therefore I am well verse my culturally upbring of Conjuration and traditionally informed within my religion. I am purest as in pertains to conjuration and religion due to my upbringing and not having any disconnection with our families spiritual workings within Hoodoo, Obeah and Gris-gris of the south due to my family being a founding family of the territory of Mobile Capital of Louisiana before becoming the state of Alabama in the 1700’s through 1919. That being said I am well educated within many other forms of conjure.

In our community it is hugely encouraged that we live by providing hope fore where there is hope there is life. Being the status of my lineage my only goal is to give you TRUTH to what you need so that you can have what you desire.

All spiritual work provided is only done through the conjuration of Hoodoo, Obeah and Gris-gris and that work is only given after divination is performed so that both myself and client are divinely guided what is needed for the desires asked.

I hold a B.A. and M.A. in Eastern and Western classics, philosophy, mathematics and science, and I'm a student of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit. I am a graduate of Miss Cat Yronwode's Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course and her hands-on apprenticeship program. I have also trained with Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés of the Institute of Cross Cultural Studies.

I will do any Spiritual Work/ Rootwork or Conjuration that is desired as long as divination confirms that that work can be done.

Those workings include Cleansings, Removals, Crossing/Cursing, Courtcase, Love Attraction, Love Separation, Protection, Money Attraction Growth and Domination, in addition to Compelling Work may that be with dolls or any other spiritual forms or tools like Candles.

I am excited to be here with Hoodoo Psychics but more information or testimonies please visit me here at ConjureSouth.com

I offer hoodoo psychic readings with these tools and methods:

Psychic Card Reading, Gifted Tarot Reading, Psychic, Intuitive, and Clairvoyant Reading, Scrying, Crystal Ball Reading, Visionary Reading, Psychic Body Reading, Phrenology, and Face Reading, Psychic Candle Reading, Ceromancy, and Wax Reading, Mediumship and Contact with the Dead, Psychometry and Reading Objects, Interpretations of Dreams, Signs, and Omens, Throwing the Bones and Reading Natural Curios, Divination with an Egg, and Divination and Fortune Telling

I use conjure to help you with these spiritual conditions:

Love Drawing, Romance, Marriage, Fidelity, and Reconciliation, Prosperity, Money Drawing, Business, and Gambling Luck, Blessing, Cleansing, Healing, and Tranquility, Career Success, Personal Power, Mastery, and Wisdom, Protection From Enemies, Warding Off Evil, and Safe Travel, Jinx Breaking, Uncrossing, Reversing, and Road Opening, Court Cases, Legal Matters, and Keeping Off the Law, Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming, and Crossing, Jinxing, Hot Footing, Revenge, and Break Ups.

I perform rootwork using these spell casting techniques:

Spell Casting, Candle Spells, Vigil Lights, and Lamps, Mojo Bags, Conjure Hands, Nation Sacks, and Jack Balls, Doll Babies, Voodoo Dolls, and Poppets, Spiritual Cleansing and Bathing, Contained Spells, Honey Jars, Bottle Spells, Oils, Incense, Sachet Powders, Baths, Teas, and Other Preparations, Magical Talismans, Amulets, Charms, and Enchanted Jewelry, Hoodoo Conjure Witchcraft Rootwork, Magical Traditions, Religious Traditions, Altar Work and Prayers, The Book of Psalms, Working with Spirits, Ancestors, Angels, Deities, and Saints, Working at the Crossroads, and Working in the Graveyard


“About two years ago I crossed paths with [Queen Cotaliya]. I received a reading from him that took place through chat on Facebook. The reading was very, very, very accurate. My daughter had been battling a child support / custody case. Co. instructed me to work with the current phase of the moon and gave me directions, herbs to use, and candles. I did exactly what I was told to do. The back child support was collected in full and the other party stopped coming to court and just walked away. The case was thrown out and everything ruled in my daughter's favor. I am forever grateful to God and the ancestors for allowing Co. Meadows and I to cross paths. Thank you.“ -- S.M.R.

“I am a client of [Queen Cotaliya] and i am living witness that he knows what he is doing and he is good at it. I got a phone call on Friday telling me about him. I call on Friday night; he tolded me what to do; on Saturday. i done what was asked of me; on Monday i called him back to let him know that everything worked fine. I had a big problem going in my house. He gave me a reading and he tolded me exactly how and what to do to get rid of the problem. He said. 'Ms. Peggy, i can't say how long it's gonna take, but i see a 3. I don't know if it's 3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months, but i know i saw a 3.' Well, what he worked on for me, it came to pass in the third week, so i can say he is really good at what he does. I was having problems with some people, serious problems where they was doing things to me they had no business doing, but today they are talking about one another, so through this i know he knows what he is doing.“ –- Ms. P., South Carolina.

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